Do people actually have that many problems with servers?
So, I made a (fairly unpopular lmao) post saying that I don't have a problem with trading in game, and a bunch of people were saying that the real problem they have with trading is with server latency, and so I took a look at what people were saying about servers and It seems like a pretty common issue.
The weird thing is, I have rarely had any issues with servers, same with the people I play with. Like, maybe once every 15-20 games do I notice any significant server lag, and even then its not for the full game. I have been disconnected due to internet issues maybe 5 times ever. I'm not exactly sure what my ping is most games, but it is definitely less than like, 75-50ish.
Am I just really lucky with servers? Or are there other people who get perfectly fine servers?
I'm kind of wondering if the people with bad servers are more of a loud minority than anything...
Anyway, would love to hear peoples thoughts.
(I play on US East/US West, And live in Canada, for context)