Mysaria's accent
I've noticed many of you share my opinion on this. Mysaria--played by Sonoya Mizuno--seems to have a bizarre and stilted accent. I like Sonoya Mizuno in other films/shows, and I find it strange that a show that hires people to develop the fictional languages within (such as ancient Valerian) decides that this strange accent she performs is acceptable. It just SOUNDS made up, and really ruins the immersive atmosphere. This is of course, my opinion, and if you enjoy her performance, I do not mean to insult you or the actress.
I've found the portrayals of other accents in GoT very acceptable, Oberyn Martell was a prime example. Whether you liked the accent or not, it sounded like a consistent accent.
To be fair, I am not sure what kind of accent Sonoya Mizuno SHOULD use. Since most of the standard Westerosi accents are basically some form of British accent, what kind of accent should a woman from Lys have? I also recognize that the character states that she had been sold many times and can't even remember her birthplace/home.
What do you all think? Am I just being too picky? I do think she LOOKS amazing. I love her costumes.