I’m glad I found this community, as I was on the verge of coming off reddit altogether. Free speech matters.
For around 20 years, Warhammer has been my escape. And that’s exactly what it should be. An escape. Now we have real world politics seeping into the hobby like poison.
I recently left a comment on the AoSLore subreddit when someone asked about the LGBT flag icon - which is a completely reasonable question considering the contents of the sub should have absolutely nothing to do with LGBT as it is a Lore sub. After some of the responses, it just lit a fire up inside me. I’m sick of seeing this agenda pushed on every Warhammer subreddit. I do believe the AoS community leans more this way and they’ve just had an official non-binary character release.
“Who cares? It’s a fictional universe!” I’ll admit, I care. At least now I do. This is getting out of hand and there aren’t enough voices speaking out on how ridiculous this is. (Although they like to make out everyone is against them and they are somehow oppressed).
One of the most common themes I see regarding this is basically calling anyone who questions their view a bigot and you are downvoted to oblivion and banned. I know, how dare you have an opposing opinion. If anyone is a group of bigots - it’s them.
It’s like all the weird, perverse, real-life Slaanesh worshipers linger in the Warhammer subreddits together. I want to see some badass space soldiers ripping up monsters, not be informed about your sexual preferences and mental health issues.