Playing games with the gods.
For those of you who have seen me around on the Reddit you may know that I am what I call irreverently reverent in my spiritual and religious practices. I incorporate and invite the gods into all aspects of my life and my relationships with them are far more casual and familial in nature. I consider the gods to be like family and some of them like Dionysus I consider to be a best friend.
I realize this isn't the approach for everyone but it works for me and I trust the gods to let me know if I ever overstep. So with that in mind I wanted to share something I consider a devotional act as it's something that strengthens my relationship with the gods.
And that's playing games!!!! I love games of all kinds but especially cooperative ones and I'm a giant nerd through and through. So of course I LOVE Pokemon, and have been playing Pokemon Go on and off since it came out. What does this have to do with Hellenism you might ask. Why it's elementary my dear Watson I play pokémon go with the gods!
Yes yes I can hear you groaning and rolling your eyes, letting your pearls and cursing tick tock from here. But just hear me out. When playing Pokemon Go I explore all kinds of places from malls in suburbia to city streets to beautiful parks, you know what you can find in a mall in suburbia, commerce, bakeries, bookstores, Hermes, Demeter, Athena. In city streets, craftsmanship in the city's design, street art, people, so many people, Hephaestus, Apollo, dionysus. And in the parks, plants, animals, quite spaces, the wide open sky, Pan, Artemis, even Zeus. And that's just off the top of my head.
So as you can see, you can find the gods in so many places and engaging in and experiencing those places can bring us insight and truth about the gods. I tend to talk to them as I go about my day, considerate it continue with praying and when I play Pokémon Go I talk to them about that. I ask Hermes to show me the best path to get to the next pokestop, I tell Pan about the funny animation a pokemon that reminds me of him did, I thank Zeus for the clear sky so I can get those last few miles to hatch the next egg.
And as a way to include them I consider the Pokemon I catch and think about which God it reminds me of and name them after said God. It's a little something that makes me smile and brings me closer to the gods in a unique and tangible way.
Now this isn't the only game that I include the gods in, I invite Dionysus and Apollo into D&D sessions, included Zeus in cards against humanity (so many dad jokes lol) and Apollo in quizs and games like pictionary, and don't even think about Red Dragon Inn or any drinking game without Dionysus or Pan lmao.
It's just another way to incorporate my spirituality into my life and deepen my relationship with the gods. Is it usual? Sure, probably but it brings me joy and deeper fulfillment in celebrating the wonder that is life.
So do you do anything like this? Do you include the gods in game? Maybe movie night? Or any other mundane part of your life? I would love to hear about it. 💖
For those of you who have seen me around on the Reddit you may know that I am what I call irreverently reverent in my spiritual and religious practices. I incorporate and invite the gods into all aspects of my life and my relationships with them are far more casual and familial in nature. I consider the gods to be like family and some of them like Dionysus I consider to be a best friend.
I realize this isn't the approach for everyone but it works for me and I trust the gods to let me know if I ever overstep. So with that in mind I wanted to share something I consider a devotional act as it's something that strengthens my relationship with the gods.
And that's playing games!!!! I love games of all kinds but especially cooperative ones and I'm a giant nerd through and through. So of course I LOVE Pokemon, and have been playing Pokemon Go on and off since it came out. What does this have to do with Hellenism you might ask. Why it's elementary my dear Watson I play pokémon go with the gods!
Yes yes I can hear you groaning and rolling your eyes, letting your pearls and cursing tick tock from here. But just hear me out. When playing Pokemon Go I explore all kinds of places from malls in suburbia to city streets to beautiful parks, you know what you can find in a mall in suburbia, commerce, bakeries, bookstores, Hermes, Demeter, Athena. In city streets, craftsmanship in the city's design, street art, people, so many people, Hephaestus, Apollo, dionysus. And in the parks, plants, animals, quite spaces, the wide open sky, Pan, Artemis, even Zeus. And that's just off the top of my head.
So as you can see, you can find the gods in so many places and engaging in and experiencing those places can bring us insight and truth about the gods. I tend to talk to them as I go about my day, considerate it continue with praying and when I play Pokémon Go I talk to them about that. I ask Hermes to show me the best path to get to the next pokestop, I tell Pan about the funny animation a pokemon that reminds me of him did, I thank Zeus for the clear sky so I can get those last few miles to hatch the next egg.
And as a way to include them I consider the Pokemon I catch and think about which God it reminds me of and name them after said God. It's a little something that makes me smile and brings me closer to the gods in a unique and tangible way.
Now this isn't the only game that I include the gods in, I invite Dionysus and Apollo into D&D sessions, included Zeus in cards against humanity (so many dad jokes lol) and Apollo in quizs and games like pictionary, and don't even think about Red Dragon Inn or any drinking game without Dionysus or Pan lmao.
It's just another way to incorporate my spirituality into my life and deepen my relationship with the gods. Is it usual? Sure, probably but it brings me joy and deeper fulfillment in celebrating the wonder that is life.
So do you do anything like this? Do you include the gods in game? Maybe movie night? Or any other mundane part of your life? I would love to hear about it. 💖