This update WOULD be amazing..
if you could actually play it. The servers are absolutely AWFUL and while it's not impossible to find a game, it is nearly impossible to find a game and play it through all the way without either disconnecting from the host or outright losing server connection. The illuminate are also very teamwork based, and they are incredibly difficult to fight solo on higher difficulties. I applaud arrowhead for their work on the illuminate and city maps, they're incredibly fun to play with/on but the server problems are incredibly frustrating and bring down the experience as a whole.
On a more positive note, the build that I've found works the best for the illuminate is sickle with 500kg, machine gun sentry, and basically any support weapon/pack of your choosing. machine gun sentry can assist clearing hordes and overseers like a second player, 500kg packs both horde clearing and anti harvester capability, sickle shreds through armor and shields, and magdumping the sickle into a warp ship's shield lets you follow up with a grenade to destroy it.