Just had HSV diagnosis and OUCH.

Today was the day I found out I had HSV (genital herpes) and I’ve cried loads. I have health anxiety due to family members being sick recently, so I don’t cope well with being told I have something incurable.

I’ve started anti virals today, and strong pain relief. Sadly the numbing cream was out of stock but I pray I get this tomorrow as I’m in so much agony! It hurts to pee, walk, sit and yeah .. anything hurts. Also the itch is driving me insane and I can’t shower the area as this hurts too much!

I turn 30 soon and this is not a good birthday present. Do any ladies know how long I’ll suffer my first outbreak? Not only do I want the pain gone, but I want to enjoy Christmas and my birthday without this :( Welp!!! I wondered when this is likely to clear up?

I must say this sub has been a god send, as reading others experiences I feel less isolated and upset with this diagnosis x

Edit** grammar