How to deal with resistance as a late bloomer?
I would define myself as a late bloomer and I am now 30, I am single and have a job. For the last year I have really been thinking what I would like to do in my life and made some plans, that I would call reasonable. I would like to move to a new city, get a new job rather than stay stuck in my old hometown, where living costs are more expensive. And maybe I would also meet new people, get new experiences and grow as a person.
When I was younger I did not know what I wanted to do really because I had a shy personality and was bullied at one point making me insecure. I was a young adult then and afraid to try new things, when I guess that was the time period where you should try things, like travel abroad or get a girlfriend etc. Basically I always did what everyone told me to do and I did get good grades in school. But now I do not even have any old friends left from that time period.
Since then I have worked on myself in therapy and I am now more confident and have well-thought-out ideas. But this is also where I have suddenly started to encounter a lot of resistance from everyone about my new ideas. I guess by my age I should now already have my own house, start to form a family and keep working for the same company. I have nothing against that personally but I just feel so stuck in my current situation, nothing is motivating me to keep doing the same things everyday. How should I deal with all the resistance while sticking to my goals and remaining hopeful about the future?