Anyone Else feel Like There's a Crisis going on with our Youth?
Hi folks.
I'm an 18 year old who dropped out of highschool to pursue my GED.
I first attended farrington. But I was bullied heavily there, the teachers didn't help and it felt like none of my peers shared basic sympathy.
I then transferred to Mckinley, because of the bullying going on. Luckily this time, I wasn't bullied. But the teachers were horrible. Even had one english teacher for a year showing up to class drunk every single day, or at least buzzed hahaha. The students were rowdy, wild, and didn't have any sort of respect for faculty.
What my experience in the schools here, as a local born in Kalihi. Is that both schools had troubled teens, a lack of support, and of course, surrounded by blatant racism (Micros getting called roaches, Filipinos getting called dog eaters, etc etc). And of course the scraps that happened everyday.
Yet it feels like no board or organization has done something to initiate a sort of "intervention"? I know that I wasn't the only one that didn't feel accepted in school, and I know a bunch of bullies that came from troubled backgrounds and just didn't know any better.
Their rowdiness, drinking, and pakalolo smoking was always chalked up to, "teens being teens". But I always felt this was just Hawaii's generational trauma. Our population consists of immigrants, meaning different cultures, different manners, because of that we don't have the same unity as any of the states in the mainland. That, and the significant high cost of living here that adds to the stress of any family.
I'm not sure if it's just me. Yet, it feels like with each generation. Our youth loses its sympathy, rational thought, and kindness. As I've mentioned before, I was bullied heavily in highschool- and knew many others that were too. There is generational trauma rooted in this community but nobody is willing to speak up about it.
Instead, we "ignore" the scrappings our teenagers get into, when instead they should be focusing on studying and exploring who they are as a person. We "ignore" the fact that most of the teens here feel helpless, and we somehow manage to embrace casual racism. Especially towards Micro's, and myself being half Micronesian, always felt so disgusted in my own skin as a result. I have never felt welcomed here, or felt like there was much "aloha" or "community" around these lands.
I say ignore because no adult or parent I've met has ever brought this up in a conversation about our schools. It's always "Rep Farrington" "Rep Castle" "Rep Kaimuki" but no one brings up the fact that, arguably, this generation of teenagers are probably the most troubled. Especially after the pandemic.
We have actively allowed our youth to become desensitized to violence, drugs, and racism. And it feels like nobody here cares or speaks about it often, when I feel that thjs generation needs it the most.