March is a Better Launch Date for Meghan’s Series.

“I wish Harry and Meghan could focus 100% on their humanitarian and philanthropic efforts, because I think it’s where their hearts really are…”

“…so they have to earn a living. Yes, even they, rich as they are, have to work to pay their bills. Feel however you want about it, a conversation about relative wealth and lifestyle creep is totally legit, but people keep wondering why they’re trying to launch a media brand and it’s like…the same reason any A-list actor keeps working. Unless you get lucky with your investments—actors, as a cohort, have a pretty bad track record on that front—you’ve got to keep money coming in somehow.”

People forget that Meghan was well on her way to becoming a major lifestyle influencer before she met Harry. Although it was a traumatic departure, leaving the life of “working royal” was the best thing to happen to her.

She gets to be more of herself: doing projects she’s passionate about without worrying about offending some senior aide or a royal.

Harry, left a little more behind, because Meghan was already doing philanthropic work and lifestyle influencing. Harry had the framework and shield of the royal family behind him. No one would have questioned Prince Harry checking out the scene of a climate change/natural disaster because that’s what the royals do.

Prince William took it upon himself to tour places in the US for no ostensible reason. I think he was looking at fish or oysters or something. It seemed like he was looking for a cause to link himself to America in the name of climate change or whatever. There wasn’t much of an outcry.

Harry and Meghan survey a disaster site as philanthropists trying to figure out what the needs are and they are criticized. The only life Harry has ever known was just to show up and help. This is what they enjoy doing: giving back to communities.

It’s sad when we are willing to believe the worst of people based on our beliefs about people. I’ve never seen Meghan make something about herself. They helped the kids and authorities in Uvalde and didn’t make it a tv show. They just went out. Their presence increased awareness of the devastating murders and gun violence.

It would be far easier to just show up at Hollywood premieres or award shows if they just wanted attention. Or become a talking head for TV news programs.

I hope they are not discouraged by mean people. UNICEF used to —and maybe still recruit—celebrities who accompany them to visit developing countries with struggling communities plagued by sickness, death, or strife. Was Audrey Hepburn just looking for a photo op? No, she knew she drew eyeballs.

So some people need simmer down on the pessimism and cynicism. America has a four hard years ahead of her as it is.