Are these symptoms normal?
Hi all!
I’m on day 12 of 14 for quad therapy. I’m so happy the end is in sight. This treatment has been absolutely brutal, and left me bed ridden for the last two weeks. Today is actually the first day the crippling nausea isn’t as bad! I wasn’t prescribed anything for nausea and honestly felt too sick to go to my doctors to get a prescription, so I just soldiered through.
However I started having other symptoms today. For one, my heart was pounding last night while trying to sleep, like around 110bpm. No matter how slowly and deeply I breathed, nothing helped. I wasn’t able to fall asleep after 4am because of this. Now my heart rate ranges between 75-108 while sitting down, and has been like that all day. Is this normal? For days 1-11, my heart rate at night was between 50-70 bpm.
As well, I woke up with an incredibly flushed, hot face that hasn’t gone away in the last 8 hours. I should note I caught a cold from my mom on day 8, and since then have struggled with chills. Could this be from the cold? Or is that a normal side effect of the antibiotics?
Finally, I’ve had really bad lower and mid back pain. Sitting upright is so painful, but I can’t lie down after taking pills so I spend most of the day upright.
I also wasn’t prescribed more ppi’s for after treatment is finished, is this normal? I struggled with constipation and didn’t have acid reflux before treatment, so maybe it’s because I already have low stomach acid. I’m just worried it will be super painful or affect my healing post treatment without it.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Oh also, I have ringing in my ears in the morning and after taking metronidazole. It usually resolves itself after a couple minutes but it’s like the outside world becomes super muffled and there either low or high pitched ring. I’ve heard this could be a side effect? Did anyone else experience this? I’m super lightheaded as well.
Edit 2: soooo turns out I had a delayed allergic reaction to the antibiotics, which caused the elevated heart rate, face redness, and chills. I developed a full body rash on day 14, and my doctor confirmed. Delayed allergic reactions can take up like 7-14 days to show up! The more you know.