I actually don't want Gwen to come back

First I must preface this: Gwenpool is my favorite Marvel character and The Unbelievable Gwenpool is my favorite comic book. To develop, Gwen is the character I relate the most with in all fiction despite all the differences we have. I relate to her passion and I relate to her struggles. I also think it was the best fourth wall story I've ever seen, treating it like a real character development tool instead of just jokes. Gwenpool is a fascinating art piece to me, to the point I've got to analyze it for a college work.

I did like Strikes Back even if the "real" Gwen barely appeared in it. I liked the idea of her struggling and faking being a full-on Deadpool not to be discontinued. Really hated the art though and the fact is that she behave like someone else for 95% of the runtime.

Hated every single other of her appearances except in It's Jeff! (Of course), her Venomverse entry (despite how this version of her sadly ends) and in Unlimited Love. For this last one, I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it either. I like the idea of her being aroace, it means we won't get useless romance subplots like in West Coast Avengers (Dear god I hated this series) but I think the comic kinda fumbled the bag. It tried too much to explicit every bit of struggle she went through in her own series and the last chapter just was a badly written crash course on asexuality. Kinda disappointed because the 4 first chapters, while not being incredible, were nice to read. I felt I was treated like a kid who can't understand things by themselves. But what got me worried was that she'd become just an "aroace token" and... I kinda was proven right with her Marvel Voices Pride entry since this is the only "big thing" she appeared in recently. But hey, the art style was nice.

Thing is: I don't think there will be another Unbelievable. Gwenpool never reached the peak she had when written by Hastings and drawn by Gurihiru and I feel like her arc is pretty much complete. Sure you can expand on what's already here like her evil self but I fear that Gwen will be stuck in the absolute same storyline of having to try to stay relevant. And honestly, I've yet to be proven that she can be written well by someone else than Hastings. I feel the character is doomed to be another female Deadpool and a "Look, we have an aroace character we never use!".

And don't get me started with the MCU, I am TERRIFIED she gets in there given how Hollywood currently writes their characters.

To summarize, I'd prefer her first run to exist in its own bubble. I don't need anymore follow-ups, I don't want to see her mistreated AGAIN and I think it'd be nice if Marvel took notes of other art forms and brings back characters only if there's a story to tell.

I'd be open to her coming back if Hastings and Gurihiru are making another series and I'd be curious to see what they'd do with her in Marvel Rivals.

... That said, it'd be nice to have the Omnibus and the other Unbelievable volumes in french. I'd gladly buy them!