Questions About Greyhounds

Hello, my partner and I are looking into adopting a Greyhound. We're a little apprehensive on a few things regarding them.

Do they shed a lot? Like, if they lay on a lounge, do they leave a pupper shaped imprint?

Do they dig? We live with my partners parents and they're gardeners. They're worried the Grey will dig up their plants.

Do they like cuddles and affection from their owners?

Do they really prefer to sleep by themselves or is it a case by case basis?

How often should we give them a brush?

What's the best approach to their dental hygiene? I have seen mixed opinions online about whether Greenies or Pedigree Dentastix are best.

Thank you for any responses


I don't know if this is how it's done, but, anyways.

Thank you everyone who has replied, I am definitely feeling less anxious. My partner and I have a bit of saving to do before we even go about adopting the pupper.

We're going to aim to adopt one from Greyhounds As Pets, they seem the most reliable and used adoption agency in my country. I will definitely ask these questions again when we go about adopting the Grey to make sure they're a good fit for us. I will also ask if we're able to do a trial period with the Grey.

Again, thank you to everyone who replied, you all have been wonderful help.