How to get rounded shoulders

How do I get good delts! Im told (and I can tell) I have a good shoulder to waist/hips ratio. I worked a lot on my upper back when I was first started lifting so maybe that’s creating the illusion. My question/problem is I don’t have rounded delts like I would like to have. I have friends who are all within 5 lbs of strength in shoulder press (granted my triceps prolly take over) and I’m not sure how I stack up against them in lateral raises but I do spam those pretty hard with drop sets often and I like how my delts look flexed but when relaxed they look unbelievably flat and get shadowed by my triceps.

I am 6’ 1” 170lbs been lifting for around 2-3 years though this last year I had spotty commitment, as well as having lost a lot of muscle while doing long distance treks (im talking 10-15 miles a day for 8 days with 17lb loss in around 2 weeks partially due to getting sick in the middle). I can bench 135 for 12 for a couple sets, can do 12 pull ups in a set, and typically overhead press 35 lb plates in each hand for 8-12 reps. I started at 135lbs at this height and remained very lean for a long time. I already hit rear delts and front delts seem fine, maybe I’m doing lateral raises poorly as far as targeting lateral delts though I don’t think I am as I’ve worked on not targeting traps with them a lot. I’m wondering if similar to traps this is something that is highly androgen dependent or I really gotta bulk or something like that. Just frustrating to have this weak link in my physique. Enough talking about myself talk to a player about what he should do thanks in advance.