The Olympic gods were initially polygamous

In the Theogony, Zeus is stated to have seven wives: Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Demeter, Mnemosyne, Leto, and Hera - in that order. Hermes said that Leto was one of the bride of Zeus in the Iliad.

Some people have theorized that Zeus was divorced from his previous wives before he married Hera because the ancient Greeks were generally monogamous. However, the poet Corinna tells a story about Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and Hermes kidnapping the daughters of Asopos. She stated that Poseidon had already married three of his daughters, and suggested that the other gods will marry the rest of his daughters in the future.

"[This papyrus text is heavily fragmented :] Asopos (Asopus) went to his haunts . . from you halls . . into woe . . Of these [nine] daughters Zeus, giver of good things, took his [Asopos'] child Aigina (Aegina) . . from her father's . . [N.B. and Zeus also abducted Thebe and Plataia], while Korkyra (Corcyra) and Salamis and lovely Euboia (Euboea) were stolen by father Poseidon, and Leto's son is in possession of Sinope and Thespia . . [N.B. and Tanagra was seized by Hermes.]

But to Asopos no one was able to make the matter clear, until . . [the seer Akraiphen (Acraephen) revealed :] ‘And of your daughters father Zeus, king of all , has three; and Poseidon, ruler of the sea, married three; and Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon] is master of the beds of two of them, and of one Hermes, good son of Maia. For so did the pair Eros (Love) and the Kypris (Cypris) [Aphrodite] persuade them, that they should go in secret to your house and take your nine daughters. One day they shall give birth to a race of heroes half-divine, and they shall be fruitful and ageless; so I was instructed from the oracular tripod. This privilege I alone out of fifty strong brothers have obtained, preeminent spokesman of the holy sanctuary, gifted with truthfulness, I Akraiphen . . and I utter oracular truth; do you then yield to the immortals and make your heart cease from grief, since you are father-in-law to gods.

This confirms that the Olympic gods were initially polygamous. Zeus having only one wife was a later revision. Even the notion of Hera attacking Zeus’s children to other women seems like something that was added to the lore later, as she did nothing to characters like Perseus and Helen.

I think this might reflect a cultural change in Hellenic society. Kings in Mycenaean Greece were probably expected to have multiple wives - just like kings in many other ancient societies. But that practice became rare as kings became less and less common in the following ages. We know that the kings of Macedonia practiced polygamy. And so, the gods were later depicted as monogamous.
