[REQUEST] [STEAM] Content Warning 7,99€

[REQUEST] [STEAM] Content Warning 7,99€

Hello so ive been looking uo to this game for a lot o seen and heard that its a really funny game just a little bit scary and i have a friend who i really want to play it with we just finished a way out and we are looking for other cheap game but he just bought a new PC and i know it sounds crazy has 10€ in his wallet and 0 on his bank account so i dont want to take money from him in that way that he pays me the money i gift him so i decided that if i get the game gifted for me i will maybe buy it for him also i would love any info if i can request a game for him like on his account on this sub (of course in 72 hours) we are very good friend fun fact i know him from when! i was 5 my dad knew his dad i think but after all we met on judo. We were the only friends there he was always shorter but he really worked on himself. I stopoed doing judo when i reached orange belt and i regret it a bit. He is still doing it. I am 13 and he is almost 13. We played so many games together. O do karate now and man i am so happy we are still like best friends. He goes on a sport school and wow he is strong. He has ti do power tests every year and last year he did 16 backhand pull ups and 13 forehand pull ups! I have big respect for his sport dedication. After all this we are still very good friends. We just dont have money or dont want to throw money around now becouse we want to save some. Have a good day!

my steam id is below
