[OFFER][STEAM] "Hogwarts Legacy: Deluxe Edition" Giveaway Bonanza!

I know that a lot of us grew up with Harry Potter, and have love for the series. For some of us, it was an introduction to reading in general, or it was the thing that first got us really excited about books. For some, it's perhaps still just about the only thing you do (re-)read! Maybe you became a fan with the movies (either the original series, or the Fantastic Beasts movies that followed), or maybe this game will be your first exposure to the world! Whatever Harry Potter means for you, if you've been looking forward to a good HP game for quite some time, as many of us have, it sounds like we've finally got it in Hogwarts Legacy.

Here's the deal - I've got three Steam keys for Hogwarts Legacy: Deluxe Edition (each of which includes an additional key for a pre-order bonus). I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to choose the winners yet, but I'll come up with some criteria that I'm satisfied with, in addition to attempting to make sure there aren't any issues with regions and such. If you're looking to enter, include your Steam ID in your comment. Beyond that, I'd just like to hear something about what Harry Potter means to you personally, but it's a pretty open prompt.

OK, and with that, I won't belabor this too much longer. I know that we're currently in the middle of the Early Access period now, so assuming this post gets a reasonable amount of engagement fairly quickly, I'd like to draw the winners soon, so that you can enjoy some of that early play time! I guess I'll play it by ear, but don't expect this to be open much longer than maybe a day.

Good luck, everybody!

EDIT: All right y'all, I think I'm going to keep this open overnight (I'm in PST) and pick the winners fairly-earlyish tomorrow. Should give you guys nearly 24 hours of lead time on the global general Steam launch at 2/10 10:00 PST. Once I've picked 'em, my plan is to come back here and update this post with the results, and I'll of course send the keys privately to the winners.

Have a nice night, everybody!

EDIT: OK folks, the hour is nearly at hand. I've been catching up on comments, but now I've got some things to do for a short while. Afterwards, I'll be back, and then I'm going to start the selection process. If you're looking to enter, there isn't much time left!

EDIT: Selection is underway! With so many entries, and me trying to make sure I'm satisfied (by several criteria) with where my gifts go, it's going to take a little bit, so please be patient. I'll be updating this post when I've finished, and reaching out directly to the winners!

EDIT: Still working, but I think I'm getting close to finalized. Thanks everybody for your patience!

EDIT: OK everybody, I think I've selected three tentative winners. I say "tentative" because I'm going to reach out to them and confirm to let them know they've been selected, and I'm going to wait to hear back before sending any keys, just to make sure I'm not sending any gifts off into a void. If I don't hear from all of my selections within, say, a few hours, or if some other issue comes up, I'll be reaching out to back-up picks. As they gifts are sent and confirmed, I'll update this post with the picks!

EDIT: I just want to thank everybody for entering and sharing your stories with me. While your submission comment wasn't the only criterion I took into account for selection (I used quite a few criteria, which is why selection took so long), it sure did make this a lot more fun, and some of your stories were particularly touching. I appreciate everybody's involvement! I honest-to-God wish I had, like, 100 copies to give away, but I had to narrow it down to 3.

So, finally, congratulations to our winners!

And with that, especially given all of the interesting games coming out over the next few months... see you next time!