Why do you think average people tend to dislike the gifted unless they are a extremely humble?
This might be a false perception, but I have noticed that people who are smarter than most (and don’t hide or downplay it) tend to be held to a much higher standard to not be disliked. People are very eager to find and point out your flaws and glee over your failures, and unless you are very vocally humbling yourself, you will be perceived as arrogant. I have noticed the same thing about people who are very physically attractive. Of course this is a generalization and I am aware of that.
I have even noticed this in myself, that if I perceive someone to be outstanding (and more importantly, better than me) in some positive way, I expect them to be a lot more humble and kind, and if they aren’t, I do feel some sort of instinctive satisfaction when I see them fail.
I know it could be summed up as “jealousy” but I would be interested in a deeper explanation, especially in terms of evolutionary biology.
What do you think, am I just making this up or is this really a thing? And if it is, what could be the explanation?