Help me understand my gifted son's NEED to win.

EDIT: WOW! These responses are so excellent! I am working on responding because I have some follow-ups. Thank you so much for helping support my family in this! We are eager to learn how to help!

One thing I am always confused by when we ask questions about the gifted experience is the common response that gifted kids are so accustomed to getting praise and being right about everything, that when they are wrong they can't handle it. And it is very possible I am misunderstanding this - but I never really thought he was 'always right' about everything. I would say it was more that he only needed to learn it once. His primary focus has ALWAYS been being first. For example: even now, at 9, his focus isn't on being the best, it's about getting it done. We bought him this MLB logo colouring book for christmas, and the obsession was with finishing it, not doing it perfectly. He didn't care that colours were outside the lines or trying to make even strokes vs scribbles - it was the obsession with being done, as if it would get him first place or something?? That to me seems more ADHD related? I don't know if this makes sense...