What would have happened if El Sueño found out about Boston Reed's human trafficking ring?
Main topic of discussion: This mission
When the player first gets to Koani, Karen Bowman's briefing to Nomad reveals that Boston Reed of the Santa Blanca cartel is "trafficking more than powder and he doesn't want El Sueño to know about it."
When you interrogate the cartel guy during the Trainyard mission, it's quite obvious that the cartel guys are scared of El Sueño finding out about Reed's dirty little secret. After the guy cracks, Nomad reports to Bowman that Reed is running a human trafficking operation "right under Sueño's nose."
I never paid attention to this one detail, but it got me thinking: what would El Sueño's reaction have been if someone blew the whistle regarding Boston Reed's human trafficking operation and ratted Reed out to El Sueño? It looks like El Sueño doesn't approve of human trafficking, given how scared everyone working for Reed is of El Sueño finding out. Methinks El Sueño would retaliate by ordering Reed's assassination while his human trafficking network is shut down but would this be accurate to the lore of Wildlands regarding the cartel?
I'm asking this question because I considered exploring this scenario for the next RP in my collaborative project with u/Agente_Paura.