What's something you wish was in Genshin that is in hoyo's other games

First of all, yes, I know everybody wants to be able to farm different materials on every day of the week. So please do not say that or else that is going to just make this filled with that and that's going to be somewhat annoying

So here are a couple of mine

First the little icon in HSR That shows recommended relic sets for characters Cuz as somebody who's only been playing for about a little over 4 months sometimes I don't know what I'm supposed to put on people while I'm farming it Also just like there's always that other set but I don't know who can use that other set when I'm farming for a set For another character

Also I wish so badly they will put a function for imaginary theater. That is like what they did with divergent universe where characters don't have to be fully built and they will put an auto build on them (And for those who are like, but that takes away the purpose of it being an in-game content cuz you have to build the characters you can still build the characters cuz a lot of times. I will be honest if you know anything about divergent universe, those builds are not the best builds for characters)

And lastly being able to both craft anywhere and accept your dailies anywhere cuz having to go to Catherine everyday or having to craft when I'm like one thing away. It's just so tedious and annoying sometimes