Remember that most of the problems you see online aren't a thing in the real world
It feels like social media and the internet in general have amplified problems to make people think they're much larger than they actually are, people get confined into their little bubbles and think that these things are larger problems throughout the world, but realistically, none of it matters all that much in the real world.
I'll take dating as an example, most people in the world aren't struggling with dating, this whole "gender wars" thing doesn't exist in the real world, most people are just getting along with their lives and interacting like normal regardless of what's between their legs, most women don't hate men and most men don't hate women, sure you have a couple of weirdos who engage in it, but they're just that, fringe weirdos who people rightfully brush off and laugh at.
Remember that the internet is not the real world, particularly Reddit, if a topic is popular on Reddit, it's probably not that big of a deal in the real world, people are too busy with their own lives to worry about how others live there's, most people are well adjusted and normal, but you wouldn't think that if you lived online.