Instant Recall via Tasting

A while back my wife but a box of some cheese crackers that we'd never had before. She handed me the box and asked if I thought they tasted like Cheeze-Its. I tasted one and my immediate reaction was "They taste more like Tid-Bits". When that came out of my mouth, my reaction was "TID BITS!?!?! Where did THAT come from???" My wife laughed, ate one, and then said, "You're 100% right!"

I was thinking about it and was like "I forgot about Tid Bits. Do they still make them?" and when I looked it up, they've been discontinued for over 20 years. But I did notice that the new crackers were from Nabisco, and so were Tid Bits, so maybe they reused the recipe. They weren't as fun to eat, though, because you can't crunch them sideways 🤣