Anyone feel that they have more going on other than gastritis?

I was dx via endoscopy.

I am so weak, my muscles are all sore around my body.

I developed tinnitus.

My vision is blurry

My sleep is broken, shallow and brief.

After walking for 30mins, I feel like I am 100 years old or have Parkinson's or MS.

My legs constantly buzz from the feet and calves. My arms and legs go numb and get pins and needles if I lean on them, cross them or sleep on them after less than a minute.

I have also the classic gastritis symptoms of nausea, burning, burping etc.

Can anyone relate? can this all be just gastritis? I feel gastritis is either just part of the puzzle or a symptom of something else going on. Its very hard for me to make progress. I have a Neurologist appoint but that's in 6 months time due to my healthcare services current condition.

(- I'm not on PPI, only bland diet.)

I have had a spine MRI and all clear but no brain MRI.