Lilly Pilly Hedging….will it fill out?

Hi all!

I bought 10 Lilly Pilly’s a few months ago, from an online nursery for delivery. 140-170cm. 8 were correct size, 2 were smaller, but planted them anyway as couldn’t be bothered with the hassle and figured they’d catch up.

This one however has a bout a 90 degree area 1/2 way up that has no clear shoots of the trunk. I know there is a stake there at the moment, but it was like that prior to stake going in.

Is it likely to “fill in” or should I cut my losses now? I’m a novice but have about 20 Lilly’s around the fence line that I’m hedging so trying to get it right!

Also for bonus points: when hedging, is it best to just let it grow to height, whilst nipping off the lateral shoots that are outgrowing the rest? Or best to keep it short and thicken it, and then get height?