GTNH has ruined me playing other mod packs

So I really wanted to give meatballcraft a try because supposed it's really good but not quite as grindy as gregtech. However I played it and realized that looking at the quest line to see all the steps for the next best machine to process stuff in gregtech keeps me really hooked onto the game, because I know exactly what my goal is from there, but with meatballcraft it's different because you can't see the next step at all, you just know you can get there. Like with gregtech you can want to move way faster so you look in the quest line and see the piston boots and the hang glider, but with meatballcraft you just know that eventually you'll be able to but that doesn't keep you engaged really. I'm still trying to get into it because it looks really cool with all the multi blocks and stuff, and doesn't take as long to beat, but still forever.