BARRETTS diagnosis

I am shocked.

26 year old female. Very healthy. Macro counter, exercise regularly , haven’t drank alcohol in 3+years .

End of October I started feeling a burning in my stomach. No matter what I ate, the burning would come. I had only had one experience of heartburn in my life that I could recall a couple months before that taking a vitamin C supplement. Had my endoscopy early this December and was diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus (waiting for nurse to call me back since I didn’t get the lab report, all it says is I have Barrett’s).

I really didn’t want to be on omeprazole for life. I started doing all these herbal / supplemental/ elimination diets to treat this heartburn thinking maybe it was just stress induced because it has been a stressful time in my life. I feel like I wasn’t even given a chance, and we immediately just jumped to Barrett’s.

I’m reading a lot that it’s probably not possible to be living with Barrett and not on some sort of PPI . Did anyone have a similar story to me where the symptoms were never noticed? I’m assuming I’ve had silent reflux my whole life and didn’t know.