I have a problem with spending too much on Groceries and need advice

Hi I'm 20F and about a year ago I moved out/living with a roommate. Recently I've come to realize that a lot of my spending goes towards groceries. I don't track it (I should...) but I would guess somewhere around $100-120 1 to 2 weeks for 1 person. At minimum wage/full time it felt ok but right now my new job is really unbalanced and I'm lucky if I get $600 every two weeks. After this current job I believe its gone down a little but still feels too high.

The problem is I like to cook my own food so I end up with all of these ingredients leftover that just go bad in my fridge because I can't find other recipes to make without spending even more on ingredients that will go bad as well.

Even my roommate agrees that she sees way too much stuff that just goes bad in our trash. It's so bad that she had to put a mini fridge in her room because all my food took up our small but ok sized fridge.

I also buy alot of foods I don't necessarily need like Cheezits, gold fish, hummus, too much fruit etc. I don't know if it's because I grew up in an ingredient only household but I have this fear that one day I'll look in my fridge/pantry and only have frozen peas or cranberries.

At this point cooking doesn't feel worth it for one person and I need help knowing how people make it so budget friendly and actually saves them money instead of just feeling like I wasted not only money but precious food