How This Game Changed my Perception of Progression

I’m sure these posts are a dime a dozen.

stories of first time experiences and “child labor lul” but in this day and age of battlepass grind, FOMO, and challenge check list padding, it’s just feels really novel that my only struggle with this game pretty much boils down to “FUCK ME MY COAL IS LOW AND TEMPS ARE GONNA FUCKING DROP, IF YOU FUCKS DONT GET OUT THERE COLLECT THAT DAMN COAL WE’RE DONE!”

I know this is basic city builder stuff and stakes, but just the sheer helplessness of watching the constant pinging “a citizen became gravely ill.” and just seeing the list of child amputees in my care houses.

it’s a uniquely profound experience. I only made it two weeks on my first run. built the “child homes” or whatever, cemetery, the typical “I’m better than that” route.

you can be damn sure those kids were out there scooping up coal in the next run lol. you wanna stay warm right, kiddo?

made it about a month on that one, but I think I’m just not conservative enough early on, and I’m taking too long to build the beacon. also placing buildings well and strategically. but it’ll come in time, and I refuse to watch guides!

I will suffer. here’s to making it two months!!

I’m not generally opposed to advice I guess, I’m still early on, so I’ll probably stay off the sub/this post for a while, just incase some veterans of the ice feel like they might wanna spend their precious coal collecting time on giving a noob some pointers! but I know communities like this appreciate new player posts sometimes! cheers! wouldn’t be opposed to hearing your own noob stories!