Randall is actually Eloise, and here's why.

I know I know I know I know... But hear me out. I have proof.

Eloise's body was never actually found by Victor. Also, we've never seen those two characters simultaneously for some reason... Which is very sus.

Randall being so suspicious of everything and so frustrated and his lack of fear from the monsters was because he already seen it all and experienced it as Eloise. And now he's been brought back. He managed to get out of that place with his moms help but was traumatized. However, managed to get by by memory loss and gender transition. And now he's been brought back to fromville which explains all the frustration.

Shaving his hair is also a very good argument. We saw that Eloise's hair was long in the flashback, so I think his mind makes him shaves hir hair in order not to refrain him from remembering his past self as a defense mechanism.

Not to mention that he and Victor ridiculously look alike! They have to ve siblings.

Let me know what you think in the commets
