Need Advice: Presents in the Night
So, our frenchie is almost two years old. Since he was a puppy he slept in a crate and we bought a bigger one once he grew. A few months ago he would start to cry early in the mornings 5 am/6 am. Once he was out he didn't bolt for the back door because he needed the bathroom and it seemed like he just didn't like being alone downstairs in the crate. We would let him upstairs and he would fall asleep in bed with us and would be fine for hours.
The early morning alarm became a little too much so we decided to experiment with him outside the crate and let him sleep on the sofa. No more early crying. However, now he often leaves poos and wees on the floor. We take him outside before bed sometimes waiting for 30 minutes but he often does nothing even when we the commands for poo/wee.
Any advice on stopping this behaviour? We don't want to go back to the crate.
TLDR: Our frenchie poos and wees at night and not sure what to do.