Detailed Timeline/s of Events

Here are the most detailed and comprehensive timelines relating to LM and/or the sh00ter that I have come across so far:

Hawaii to NYC Timeline January 2022 to 30th November 2024

NYC to Altoona Timeline 24th November 2024 to 9th December 2024

NYC Timeline 4th December (5:35am to 6:45am)

NYC Timeline 4th December (6:44am to 6:45am)

NYC Timeline 4th December (6:48am to 6:56am)

NYC Timeline 4th December (6:56am to 7:30am)

Has anyone come across any other timelines that may contribute to a larger picture?

Note: There is a discrepancy regarding the time the sh00ter entered Central Park. Surveillance timestamps show this was 6:45am whilst the Federal Complaint states that it was 6:48am.

EDIT: Added 6:44am to 6:45am with the note regarding timing discrepancies

EDIT: First link was incorrect.