F/40 League - Season Two - Zero Build Division: ArtVandelay wins 2 of 4 games to take over 1st place; Beast Mode, Alfa Tsentr and King_D_Rock all break the 200 point mark

Placement Name Game Pts. Kills PPG Movement
1st ArtVandelayLTEX 254 32 31.75 up 2
2nd The_BeastMode 236 32 29.50 down 1
3rd TTV alfa_tsentr 223 31 27.88 up 1
4th King_D_Rock 206 27 25.75 up 3
5th OdinsDemon 184 17 23.00 down 3
6th GRANDMASA_HB 178 14 22.25 up 3
7th TheSwornEnemy 168 14 21.00 up 3
8th Leth1ferous 152 10 21.71 new
9th thesockbandit1 143 1 17.88 new
10th MustntBeHasty 139 7 17.38 down 2