How to view saved replays.

DISCLAIMER: this will only apply to PC players. I just discovered something extremely useful in the game. If you have ever accidentally saved a replay, you may have wondered how you can view it after you save it. Bad news: you can't. Because it's saved as a .REPLAY file, there's no way to actually view the replay except in game. I was upset because I just had this happen to me and I didn't realize I would need to screen record it to save the footage. I was looking everywhere for a potential online replay viewer or something but alas, there isn't one. I decided to look in the file folder on my computer for Fortnite replays just out of curiosity. I noticed all the other unsaved replays were titled UnsavedReplay followed by the date it was created and followed by the time of day. I decided out of desperation to rename the saved replay file to the exact format of the unsaved ones and maybe that would revert the changes. It actually worked! I entered it in the exact same format, closed the game, and re-opened it. Just a small disclaimer: this will un-save the replay, but I'm assuming that's what you're trying to do since you are reading this.

Here is the format you need to type in (be sure to follow this exactly or else it may not work!): UnsavedReplay

y=year, m=month, d=day, h=hour, m=minute, and s=seconds

Example: UnsavedReplay-2023.04.21-04.38.30.replay

Hopefully this helps some people. So glad I figured this out. Feel free to ask me any questions and have a good one! :)