Update thread: JPMC MMBSI superday last week

I know some people like me did their Jpmorgan superday last week for the MMBSI 2025 summer internships and wanted to see how it went for everyone? I have a few questions to see how it went for everyone.

GPA: Prior internships if so what?: Target or state school:

Was the superday what you expected? How do you think you did? What office did you apply for or were being interviewed for? Did you think you would get this far? What did you think of the case study?

                      My answers 

GPA: 3.2 Prior internships if so what?: accounting general Target or state school: state school

Was the superday what you expected? Didn't really expect anything tbh it was my first time. The behavioral questions weren't what i practiced so I had to think on the fly.

How do you think you did? I think i did pretty well top 50% percentile at least, I was complemented for having good lighting compared to other people. I was able to laugh and connect with the interviewer so I hope it went in my favor.

What office did you apply for or were being interviewed for? Dallas, houston, atlanta, chicago, Miami are my usual locations i apply for. To be honest I don't know where they will be placing me I forgot to ask lol.

Did you think you would get this far? Not really, not with my stats especially for BB. I'm happy to be here.