What's your favorite way to split parties going into Kefka's Tower? Who gets left behind?
Tell me who in your team gets shunned by the end, revealing your inner hatred for that character?
I'm a madman and have my ways.
What I do is a bit more comples. For starters, everyone gets level 99. I make sure to get as much esper stat boost as I can.
Party 1: I play the slots all day long. Use protection spells and massive defense to make speedy Setzer play slots over and over like a casino.
Edgar: HP%/Defense Build, with Ultima Weapon + Paladin Shield. He basically never takes over 200 damage from anything. His primary spells are typically protect/shell-esque.
Sabin: Strength+Magic Build for blitzes with Hero's Ring and Genji Glove.
Terra: Magic/MP%/Stamina Build. Double Earrings. Typical Mage things.
Setzer: Agility Build with Magic sub-build.
Party 2: Throw things at my enemies. Use Haste spells to make a High Evade Shadow super fast and constantly throw his ninja stars (or elementals for group fights).
Strago: Magic/MP%/Strength build. Basically a mage but has some physical lore spells.
Relm: Magic/MP%/Agility build. Basically a mage but with speed, as she is my go-to for Reraise.
Shadow: Evasion/Strength/Magic Build. Basically my relics boost evade, but his throw ability uses both physical and magic, depending on what you have. All of Shadow's throw items stockpiled to 99. He is Assassin after all.
Gau: Unarmed Strength/Magic Build.
Party 3: Let the Moogle Dance. Similar to Party 1 Build, except we're trying to get Mog to dance the night away.
Locke: Strength/Agility Build. I do the Genji Glove/Atlas Armlet (Master Scroll) thing.
Celes: Magic/MP%/Agility Build. Typical Mage thing.
Cyan: Strength/Defense build with Magic sub-build. For swordtechs. Typically I'm using the Quadra Cleave. But I also use blackbelt for pseudo retort ability.
Mog: Magic/Agility Build. Let the moogle dance.
Gogo and Umaro get left behind because they have almost no (confirmed) story and I'm not invested in them. Plus, you can't really level them properly. However, if I am fighting with Umaro, it's double Hyper Wrist. Gogo is just.... eh... whatever. He can be whatever you want, but his stats just aren't good.