Most liminal spaces/areas in Final Fantasy?
Remiem Temple is a good example. The lack of music, the fact it’s just a huge temple surrounding by vast nothingness on all sides, and its loops and bridges really help create a liminal, even spooky atmosphere.
I would also put the white apartment looking room in orphans cradle right before you fight orphan in FF13.
Not necessarily liminal, but Via Infinito soundtrack in FFX-2 is spooky at the beginning.
Remiem Temple is a good example. The lack of music, the fact it’s just a huge temple surrounding by vast nothingness on all sides, and its loops and bridges really help create a liminal, even spooky atmosphere.
I would also put the white apartment looking room in orphans cradle right before you fight orphan in FF13.
Not necessarily liminal, but Via Infinito soundtrack in FFX-2 is spooky at the beginning.