What if I'm always undecided about having children? I had no idea this sub existed!
I'm 27, just got married my husband is 30. I can't decide if I want children or not. My husband is the same way. However he says he would be fine never having children. But sometimes I want to be a mom and raise a child on the other hand I'm great with just dogs. With only dogs we'll have more money, more freedom, more sleep. With children we could be parents and I think it's so amazing to raise a child, form little traditions with them but also the world is so bad is scary. I know no one can make this decision for me, but it's so difficult not to mention the fact that I have a biological clock running out. Maybe in order to solve this "motherly need" maybe I'll become a daycare worker so I could be around children but still have freedom or would that make the "wanting to be a mom" voice so much louder? I have no clue. I think about this often. Can anyone offer some wisdom please?