Question for all avoiding/fearful avoiding about lying and honesty
My question is and something that I often think about is, Do you lie or have you ever lied about your true feelings for someone? Have you ever told someone that there the one for you and that you love them? And miss them etc etc, basically told them all the things they want to hear just because you don’t want to be honest and hurt their feelings? Is that why it’s so easy for you to leave out of the blue because none of it was ever real to you, it was all words and maybe a little bit of actions. I’m trying to wrap my head aorund it, if you truly love someone truly would you still leave? Would you still avoid them or do you think if it was the right person secure patient kind, you wouldn’t leave. I know emotions are very hard for some avoidant people and commitment, especially if it’s a healthy relationship because it’s something of a new experience. I just want to know was all of it for nothing and we’re all the things said just to save face