Looking for books/series based around Dungeons and Dragons lore with little to no romance!
Hi there! I'm a big D&D fan (mainly for things like the lore, worldbuilding, the arcane pseudo-science etc etc) and I've been really meaning to get back into reading, starting with fantasy stuff. I am looking for books and book series that are either based around the workings of Dungeons and Dragons or take great influence from that realm, such as using their classes, gods, spells, all that stuff. But a pretty big dealbreaker for me is prominent romance plotlines that consume the story when my main focus is the events, spells/fights, creatures, and characters. I know this is a huge thing in the fantasy genre for many compelling reasons, but it's just not my thing personally. I would be ok with it if it were limited to background characters or maybe even already established prior to the start of the book, but I'm mostly interested in some kind of epic adventure. I am very new to the fantasy genre (for books!) so no answer is too "obvious" or anything like that. Please help me out and thank you in advance!