Suggest Some Chunky Audiobooks To Me


By virtue of reading 9 volumes of The Wandering Inn aswell as other series with long books such as WoT and Stormlight (all of which I loved) this year I have the chance of finishing the year with 100 books read with an average page count of 1000 pages. We are 83% into the year and I have read 80 books and 81100 pages.

My physical reading for the rest of the year will be completing ASOIAF, Wind and Truth and starting Malazan. I'm also listening to Dragon Mage by M.L. Spencer right now and loving it.

To complete my goal I will need to listen to like 4-8 really long audiobooks, like 800 pages+. I have considered the following books:

Jonathan Strange by Clarke

5 Warrior Angels by Durfee

Roots of Chaos by Shannon

Kushiel's Dart by Carey

Don Quixote by Cervantes

The Veiled Throne & Speaking Bones by Liu, although I didn't really enjoy reading books 1&2 physically, so maybe not.

I also considered some other fiction like The Count of MC, Kingsbridge & Shogun.

I'm mainly looking for grand epic fantasy, but I'm open for other sub genres as well. So if you have any opinions on my considerations or any other 750+ page books with good audio versions I would love some recommendations.