How have your reading habits changed over time?
To clarify, I'm not talking about genre preference but about your actual reading habits.
I'm curious because I've always been an extreme binge-reader, but am now at a point in my life where that type of reading is no longer sustainable, and have had to adapt according, so I was curious how others who were extreme binge readers in their teens and 20s read now.
Basically, if I start a book and like it, I tend to read it to the exclusion of all else until it's done. When I was in elementary and middle school that was fine. When I was in high school it was manageable, but I definitely paid for it during the month I binged ASoIaF and the month I binged WoT. In undergrad, I actually cut my reading heavily for 2 years, because TV shows and video games were easier for me to control. I could stop both as needed, but if I was reading something good, I would read until 4am even if I had to get up at 6. In grad school, I mainly read standalones instead of series, but would still binge them from start to finish no matter what. A few years ago, I discovered web fiction, and that's been a solid solution since even though I'm following many at once, the release rates limit my ability to binge. The downside is that much of it is largely lower quality than edited novels, so I still binge series on vacations.
Has anyone else encountered similar challenges as a binge-reader?