I can’t finish this..

I won’t get too deep into but i hate this cast SO much old class 7 and new. Old class 7 maybe not hate but definitely don’t care for them. Crazy right? After spending 2 games and hundreds of hours can’t stand them. Laura is so boring it can make you cry. Toss Elliott in the barrel too just nothing to care about them. Gaius just does most of his shit completely off screen. Like he is a grailsritter now? What? Why? Almost like they had nothing for him and just said fuck it.. machias and jusis are fine honestly never did anything annoying so they are okay.

Oh boy emma is just a boring exposition faucet at this point. Alisa is fine not much going on honestly after 2. Fie I thought was really cool even tho her rivalry with laura in the first game was really stupid. She comes full circle from jagger to bracer was nice to see. Millium… she is okay but only in short burst..

New class 7 is really bad.. kurt is boring. Im sorry he just doesn’t do it for me he reminds me todoroki from MHA they are practically interchangeable for better or worse. Ash was fine in the beginning until he had his little “narrative arc” like why did he have to be connected to that incident? Did he really need that? He couldn’t just be their classmate who is getting caught up in the mess? Fuck me man now we talk about juna.. i was just flabbergasted when she started literally whining about how class 7 ( you know the people who rean spent more time with and fought a whole civil war with? Yeah that one) doesn’t know him or some shit and they don’t rebuttal no discourse or discussion they just accept it and worse yet agree with her.. what the fuck is going on here. Don’t even get me started how she treats rean in the beginning like she has no critical thinking of her own. She becomes like the pseudo leader of the group which okay fine i kinda already seen it coming a mile away. Altina she is fine she is the typical stoic and calculated girl, she doesn’t do anything annoying or say anything stupid. Unlike the worst of them all..

Man do i HATE and i mean HATE musse. She has this one sided flirtatious fling with rean thats just soo over done like we get it she likes rean like every other girl literally every girl (even bro sister lowkey like wtf) she goes from that to the worse character in the story of cold steel and being the worst possible ass pull in the series (so far) she is a grand tactician that can see 100 or 1000 moves ahead lol she literally has gamer girl power can’t make this shit up lol. Hell she is so good in fact she out smarts her uncle who had been planning years ahead because she has gamer girl power… I can’t dude. Hell if that wasn’t enough if i recall correctly she can do magic TOO!! Like wtf? She is literally a walking talking plot device. nothing she does is earned a fucking mary sue and annoying one at that.

Side note sara was a fun character in the beginning before she went back to her bracer job then she just becomes a goodie two shoes (like all bracers) and just lost any sort of attention she would grab. I get it she’s not a teacher no more and the old cast is grown up but she just isn’t cool anymore.

The writing in these last two games have just been so tiring and genuinely hate saying that when crossbell stills is the top imo. I stopped playing after the first chapter i think im just gonna read a wiki or something this and honestly cold steel as a whole while it has its moments has been severely underwhelming and after 3 games i was ready to move on honestly tired of rean being the center of attention.

There is so much more to talk about like plot contrivances the whole “oh no this could be the end of us!!” Theennn someone shows up to bail the party out i made a little game of it trying to guess who comes to the rescue. Or some of the annoying side characters who were not bad in the beginning but have jist become grating after several games.

Im sorry for the quality of the post im tired about to sleep but thank you for reading this far and possibly taking my thoughts into consideration it is appreciated. Now just one last question do i have anyone in the same boat just not feeling CS4??