2017 f250
2017 f250
Here's a picture of my baby I'd love to get a new 2025 but I've put in a disaster kit, I've changed the fuel system, the air filter to a cold filter and the cold filter pipe. I've also changed the shocks, it's a 2wd with a 6.7 engine. I tow a 9000 lb trailer with ease. I've also only have 43000 miles on it. I've also changed the stereo to a new Tesla-style screen and a 14.4 inch one. #BabyBear #New2025 #TeslaStyle #TrailerLife #EasyTowing #43000Miles #NewShocks #NewScreen #NewTeslaStyle #EasyTowing #14inchScreen #43000Miles #NewShocks #Newслиe #NewScreen #NewTeslaStyle #EasyTowing #14inchScreen #43000Miles #NewShock