Why can't I do my job?
Hi there.
Recently I've been struggling doing my job. I barely barely do 2 hours of real work in a day, I absolutely dread doing them and I don't know what is wrong with me.
Last year I was challenged to deliver a product from napkin drawing to market in 2 months, I did it, I burned out, I started therapy and changed companies. The company I went to is very healthy, the environment is great, I can leave my laptop there and go home and not think about work or be pressured at all. The thing is, it's too much of the opposite thing where I'm just underperforming now.
During my first few months at this new company, everyone thought I was a high performer and I really was. I massively improved my team's CI (over 50% reduction in build times), delivered things that were assigned to me, helped with hiring, delivered a product which was not meant to hit its deadline on my platform.
This has been going on since late November but has lately gotten way way worse and I don't do my job anymore. I work hybrid and the days I'm home I do anything else than work.
When people really depend on me I'm doing whatever I can to not leave them hanging but because I'm almost never in such situations anymore, I just don't have the motivation to do anything.
I'm suspecting I have ADHD and I'm looking into it but I don't know if getting diagnosed will change anything, my brain is just struggling to focus and I can't go on like this.
Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.