NC family recently found my Linkedin, and I've been on edge ever since

So, as the title says, 3-4 days ago my NC family found my Linkedin that I made a week ago to help me find work. I know that it was them (or someone involved with them) because Linkedin lets you see who looked up your profile, and it was from the workplace and location where my family works (which is in another continent and not at all in my line of work, so the chance is minuscule that they're seeking to hire me). I've also been receiving random texts from family since then, though my careteam helped me block the number today.

The reason I'm making this post is this: ever since I found out they're still trying to get in touch/find out where I am, I've been feeling rather alarmed. I ended up moving to another continent a few years ago, and did my best to hide my new address, city and country of residence, etc. so I could start over. So the fact that they now know the general region where I am (thank you Linkedin profile /s) has affected me more than I thought it would.
I keep looking over my shoulder or out the window at any unexpected noise. I snap at people over the slightest thing, I've been neglecting personal hygiene lately, and I get irrationally angry over stupid things such as wifi issues, someone talking to me when I'm trying to read, etc. I'm tired of hiding, and a part of me wants to take the fight to them. I hate feeling on edge so much, and I also feel bad because I know that the people I interact with don't deserve me snapping at them either.

I'm seeing my counselor next week, which should hopefully help, but I wanted to post here since it's a safe space, and I figured that people here might be able to relate. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I wanted to post here to get it off my chest. My careteam's been a huge help lately, and I've been distracting myself for the most part. I just wish my NC family would fuck off and stop trying to find/contact me.