Marksman tree balancing

IMO marksman on the rightmost side needs a little rebalancing. Its MP is on the lower end in most tiers and I feel like a slight buff to their sidearms (a sight or slightly better ammo) is warranted. I can't say for gaze or click as I don't have them yet, but the ones I've used so far are worse in almost every department to the other similar MP loadouts from the marksman class. You could say that the right tree is better in close quarters than the rest because they run SMGs with their sniper, but because most don't have stocks, sights, or any attachments I feel the utility in not needing to switch to a secondary weapon far outweighs the downsides of a slower firerate at close quarters for the other marksman rifles.

I feel like with an attachment or two on some of the SMGs the balance within the tree would be perfect. The line in the middle right (starting with nails) runs sights on their pistols with less powerful DMRs than the other loadouts in the same tier, so I don't know why the right side doesn't get any.