Leaping OTTB

I purchased my 5yo boy in Ocala last winter and we're having a hard time getting going. He's very excitable, and when he's tweaked with excitement or feels obstinate, he leaps or rears then jumps forward. It's pretty unnerving.

I've just changed his feed to the highest fat/fiber (3 lbs twice a day) can find, topping with a ration balancer as he's still thin. He's on 24 hr hay and outside all the time.

The last 2 months have been bad. Today he did it 2-3 times and I barely trotted. He gets super excited with other horses and leaps 5-6 times in the hour we're out on the trail, mostly on the way home. This is at a walk!! I circle him and try to distract him, but it only works so much.

So, is he being evasive and bad? Should I or someone engage in the mega battle to ride through it? Stop feeding him altogether except for hay?

He's much better on the ground now and he respects me. At least that's going well. The chiro is coming next week. He's got a new half pad under his saddle which was professionally fitted...

I wanted to field hunt him, but that seems like a pipe dream.

Any thoughts? 🤔