Moving Barns
Hi everyone, I’m thinking about moving my older OTTB to a new place. I got him from the owner of the barn I’m at now last year, and I’m not thrilled with the care he’s getting recently. He was used for some lessons and the instructor and I had a agreement she would text me on days she wanted to use him. I would go to the barn and find him covered in sweat marks and his bit dirty. He also lost some weight when he got pastured with another gelding and all they keep doing is increasing his grain. I feel like the quality of his care isn’t up to par with how much I’m paying. There one feeder in charge of about 40 horses!
At the advice of my trainer, I looked at another barn today where she also teaches. It’s way closer to my house and cheaper! The owners were super nice and we talked about changing his feed and hay. He will still be pasture boarded and there are stalls available to everyone. Where he’s at now they don’t really have a place for injured or sick horses unless your horse is on stall board.
It sounds perfect but I’m stuck on the aesthetic which is so dumb. Where I’m at now is a huge, gorgeous oasis. The other barn is smaller and a bit closer to the city, so the front pastures are right on a road. They are doing a ton of projects still to fix it up, as it had a lot of work to be done when they got it. I don’t know why this is holding me back!