A story you tried to love but couldn’t?

What’s a story you tried to love but really couldn’t.

For me, it was HOMEWRECKER. I really tried to like this story but I couldn’t. The writing was really good, directing was fine, but it had a few characters that irked me. It also led me to the realization that I don’t like playing from the antagonist’s perspective or maybe just Carly’s perspective. I would myself not not enjoying playing her. That said, I still found some relatable moments in her but not enough for me to continue with the story.

I tried to really like the book because a lot of people said it was really good, but I found myself to be an outlier. I really did try to enjoy it but it wasn’t working and that’s fine. If the author writes a different book, I would read it. I only had an issue with the characters and I think HOMEWRECKER is a stand alone series.

What about y’all?