Don’t know CAD, how fucked am I?

Hi, Im a sophomore who recently just switched from Biomedical Engineeing to Mechancial, so I missed out on taking a CAD class that is specific for ME’s and I’m kinda scared it makes me a hard choice for employers for summer internships. I have a lot of research and lab experience that I’ve been trying to reorient on my resume to look more ME focused, but does not knowing CAD kinda fuck me up? I’m worried that even if I get an internship I’m gonna show up and not know how to do anything if they use Cad a lot 😭. I won’t be able to take the CAD class until junior year because it is already full, but all my courses so far have been essentially the same as a ME, and I’m a little familiar with Tinkercad but idk if that’s enough and if I should even put it on my resume. Am I overreacting a bit or should I try and self study some Cad software before the summer?